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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ans theyr off....

Had a cracking last night in Albufeira with a full on curry in the company of Lin and friends - about 20 of us. Got to bed a little late and missed the 4AM sail by a bit; sailed at 06:00. Weather fine, wind and waves on the nose but making good progress. As I write we are off Portamao ish heading for Cape V which we should round at tea time. Roger has made abondigas for dinner and nobody fancies a beer yet....
Cariad is loving it and is springing along motor sailing hard on the wind at a bit better than 5 knots.

Aaaaaaaaa happiness

MJF 09:30 Tues


  1. It's all sounding wonderful, and I have to admit to feeling a little jealous, though year 5 are so far behaving themselves fairly well. Will it be champagne or G $ T round the cape.....? Decisions, decisions......

  2. hi sailors,found you at last, pleased curry was up to scratch,found pic of jules legs quite fetching !!!!!.looks good weather.happy sailing, dont forget to drink plenty of fluids to keep body functioning normally.J
